Template Flowstep / Templating explained

After a message has been triggered in a source system (like a webshop), you can dynamically generate the email design through Templates. They work a little differently from simple drag-and-drop templates. Once a message is pushed through a Flow, you can add a Template step to the original message, after which Flowmailer adds the selected template. In this Flowchart below, we're taking a simple order confirmation and creating a dynamic email.

Walkthrough for the Template Flowstep  

  1. Your webshop (i.e., Magento, Lightspeed) triggers an email to be sent after a customer placed an order. The webshop talks to Flowmailer via the API or the SMTP protocol;
  2. Flowmailer processes the email & order data and defines which Flow needs to be followed for this specific email. In this example, when the email header contains 'Order confirmed', the Flow for this email is "Order Confirmation";
  3. Flow "Order Confirmation" can contain every possible Flowstep, but for the design, you need the Template Flowstep;
  4. The Template Flowstep retrieves information about the design of your email, and uses the Flowmailer Composer to put together an email dynamically;
    • Defined language;
    • Defined tone-of-voice (e.g. B2C or B2B);
    • Brand to display - and use corresponding branding guidelines;
    • What items to display (or not) using 'macros' (e.g., a PayPal notification).
  5. Flowmailer puts together the entire email, including the sender data and subject line, and follows any additional Flowsteps defined in the Order Confirmation Flow;
  6. Flowmailer takes care of the delivery process, and your customer receives a fully personalized, dynamic email in their inbox!