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Templates, Flows and Flowsteps to post-process your messages before being sent
Flows & Flowsteps
Introduction: Create a Flow
Template Flowstep / Templating explained
Changing the Flow order
Deleting a Flow
Designing your Flows
Introduction FlowSteps
Show all 29 articles
Flow types (PRO)
Using Flow Types
Event Flows (Reuse data for a follow up message flow via an Event Flow)
Event Flows (Submitting a new message based on the recipient’s behavior)
Event Flows (Pushing Message Events to your Webhook)
How to create a PDF template
Original Content
Special Functions
Basic Usage
About 'Templates'
What are Parameters?
What are Macros?
What is a PDF file?
How can I create a condition in a flow that goes off for more than one value?
What is Flowmailer's Message Size Limit?