Getting Started with Spotler SendPro - General

When you have gone through the settings, you will end up at the Spotler SendPro dashboard. You can also click on Dashboard in the menu on the left. When you start with Spotler SendPro, it is useful to know how Spotler SendPro is structured.

Spotler General_Dasshboard.png

In the dashboard, you'll see the following:

  • Menu: dashboard (this is shown by default on the right), Report, Design and Setup. Read more about this under Menu.
  • Notifications: at the top right you will see an exclamation point. When you click on this you will see notifications about the following: when new users have been added, errors and notifications about checks.  Make sure that you set-up notifications, so that you have a good overview of what is happening.

    When you receive multiple errors, they are then bundled per issue per hour. You will however immediately receive a notification when the problem first occurs. Errors are displayed in red and other notifications in teal.

    Under Design you have the option to set up and manage more notification types.
  • User account name and email address: You will see your account name and below that the email address of you as a user. If you call Support, enter your account name. If you click on your account name, you will see: Portal (you will find our contact details here), Profile (here you change your password and you can set 2FA ) and Logout.


The menu consists of the following items:


On the right side you have a dashboard.
Spotler General_Dasshboard.png
The graphs show numbers, but also the size of the row of messages. In addition, you can see in a graphical overview the delivered and undelivered messages, the percentage of delivery, average delivery time and ratio of complaints. The average is based on a specific time period.

An important feature on this page is the message search bar. Let's imagine you're looking for information about a specific recipient: you can easily and quickly search for the message here. It is possible to search by email address of the recipient, email address of the sender or a tag that has been given to a message.


A spam complaint is when a recipient of an email marks the email as spam. This typically occurs when the recipient feels that the email is unsolicited or unwanted, and they want to prevent similar emails from being delivered to their inbox in the future.

It's important to avoid sending spam emails, as they can damage your reputation and make it harder for your emails to be delivered in the future. To avoid spam complaints, it's a good idea to follow best practices for email marketing, such as obtaining explicit permission from recipients before sending them emails and providing an easy way for them to opt out of future emails.


The Report component is subdivided:



View the report per set flow. Here you will find, among other things, how many messages in the flows are processed, sent and delivered. And you can see what type of bounces have occurred. If you have applied tracking in your flow, you will also see opens and clicks here. In addition, you can see the messages that have been sent. It is possible to view the messages in more detail. For example, you can see the recipient, subject line and sender. You will also see an example of the email when you use the Archive flow step.

To know more about reporting a flow, check out the article: Reporting on flows.

Here, you can see from which sources it was sent. It is possible to link multiple sources to Spotler SendPro. For each source you can see in detail how many mails have been delivered, opened and clicked. You can also view the mails from the sources in detail.
Here you will find an overview of your domains where DMARC is set up. If you have set up in your DMARC-record that a report must be sent, you will see all messages that have been sent from your domain name here, even if this has been done outside of Spotler SendPro.

Do you want to know more about this topic? Read the article:  Domain Reports.
Recipient filter
An address ends up in a recipient filter when the receiving server indicates that we are not allowed or are not able to deliver mail to this address. In most cases, it is a hard bounce, but it's also possible your have received a huge number of softbounces, or that the client has registered a complaint about your message.

In the recipient filter you can search by email address and find the original message that triggered the filter. It is possible to remove a filter when you are sure that the address is still working and correct and has not been marked as Complaint. The filters always have a clear technical cause, so be careful with this.
Read more about Recipient filters in the article: Introduction Recipient Filter.
Held messages
Here you will find an overview of messages that cannot be delivered due to an error. Spotler SendPro holds the messages until the issue is fixed. You can then try sending the message again.
A summary of messages that have not been delivered. In this overview you can also see the reason for each message of why it has not been delivered.
An overview of the number of messages sent. Both emails and SMS texts can be found here.


Design consists of the following parts:



An overview of the number of messages sent. Both emails and SMS texts can be found here. Spotler SendPro always places a message in a flow. If you don't set up anything else, your message will be placed in the Default Flow and will be delivered only. But it is also possible to design your own Flows. You can do so when you want to archive your message, adjust subject line or sender or make an adjustment in the layout for instance. A message must meet certain conditions to get into a flow; such as a specific source, the subject line, a variable from the data, etc. You can think of it as a segmentation. The message is checked in order of conditions. You can change the order of these checks by clicking on the Change flow order button.

As soon as a message ends up in a Flow, Flow steps are then executed. Flow steps are edits to your mail.

Flow steps
With Flow steps you add steps to your flow that can make adjustments to your message after the trigger has taken place. Think of actions such as adding a subject line, adjusting the sender, applying a template, loading external data, archiving an email or forwarding to another flow. There are several options. You can read more about these in the article: How to use flow steps.

Flow types (not available in Spotler SendPro Go)
With Flow types you can create a fixed set of flow steps that you can easily reuse.
Events (not available in Spotler SendPro Go)
An event flow is an event triggered by a message. For example, an invoice email has been sent, which has been clicked. In an Event flow you indicate what needs to be done as a result of that click.
It is possible to send your emails in a beautiful format in Spotler SendPro, completely in line with your corporate identity. It is possible to use HTML templates and you can also use Freemarker, to personalize mails and show conditional content. Want to know more about templates? Read the article: About ‘Templates’.
If there is an error, who should be notified? You can send a notification if an error occurs.
You use samples to test in Spotler SendPro. You can save a sample of an existing message. This is the message how it was send, including personal data and content. Samples can be used for:
  • When you want to test a template change or a flow step change.
  • Check if you have resolved an error.
  • Testing with data from an external system and using the sample as the basis for a new template. Without having to request a new trigger from the source system every time.


Setup consists of the following parts:



Here you will find your account settings, such as the time zone. It is also possible to set a fallback shipping address here and you can also manage the retention periods of data here (in Spotler SendPro Go this is not customizable).  

Audit log (not available in Spotler SendPro Go)
The actions and settings you create in your Spotler SendPro account are logged here. It is possible to search by date.
Sources & API
An overview of your sources can be found here. Here, you can add and edit your sources and add credentials for those sources You can also add new sources here.
An overview of your users and the ability to add users and assign roles. Good to know: everyone at Spotler SendPro GO has an admin role.
You'll see an overview of your sending domains here, and you'll have the option to add a sending domain. Want to know how to add a domain? Watch the video in the article: Adding & Authenticating Domains.